Non Alcoholic
32,90 €
What sets STIN apart is its great variety of flavours. This is no different with the non-alcoholic version of our gin. Logical: STIN NON ALCOHOLIC is also made from the same ingredients. Among others, juniper berries, apples from southern Styria, elderberries from eastern Styria, lemons and oranges, caraway seeds, coriander, ginger, cardamom and pepper. There are 28 botanicals in total. Only the addition of alcohol is omitted in his case. That's why we also had to adapt the recipe a little. Quite a challenge! But this is the only way to keep the taste of all STINs the same: unmistakable.
Neben der gewohnten Frische überzeugt auch der Non Alcoholic mit der bekannten Würze. Sie ergänzt die fruchtigen und zitruslastigen Noten und gibt dem nicht-alkoholischen STIN die besondere Charakteristik. Auch der alkoholfreie Gin wird im Kupferkessel und in kleinen Chargen schonend destilliert. Der hohe Gehalt an ätherischen Ölen lässt bei ihm eine leichte Trübung sichtbar werden.
The best ingredients are not enough for us. This is why we distill STIN in a copper kettle and in small batches. We've always got our hands full but: We also get the highest quality.