Good to know

What exactly is gin?
Great question! Gin is a spirit, which means a drink with high alcoholic content. To be more precise: To call spirits gin they will need to have an alcoholic content of at least 37% and – this is important, too – distinct flavour of juniper. After all gin is a juniper spirit.


What does gin consist of?
Gin consists of agrarian alcohol with an alcoholic content of at least 95% vol. and juniper. What other ingredients (botanicals) are used, is something each producer decides for him- or herself.


How is gin made?
There is more than one way to produce gin. You can macerate, distill or percolate it.

We use the classic distillation for STIN. This means: We macerate our 28 gin botanicals in alcohol and distill it afterwords. The London Dry Gin that originates from it, is the most traditional and strictest form of all types of gin. First of all because it must be distilled, second because no additives or preservatives are allowed.

By the way: It took us two years until we were satisfied with our gin recipe and the results. It was worth it: We still can't get enough.


Ok and now deep dive:
What kind of tonic will I need for my gin?
Whatever you like best. If you have a glass of our Classic Proof we would, however, recommend a classic Indian Tonic. Everyone who likes it a bit bitter may use Dry Tonics. Just try some and find out. Like gin tastings but with tonics.

Can I make my own Tonic?
Yes. If you don't have a tonic at home but fancy a drink or if you simply like to experiment, can mix soda with some elderflower syrup for example. Give it a go –  goes perfectly with STIN. Gin gin!


What about the cucumber that comes with a Gin & Tonic?
The cucumber is just one of many possible garnishes for a cocktail. You want to adjust it to the gin and its flavours. For example: The STIN is quite fruity, so we like to take orange zests or apple pieces as garnishes. You are more of a spicy kind of girl/guy? Try juniper berries or rosemary. Also, check out our recipes, then you'll see – from Sloe Gin to Gin Fizz and on to Gin Basil Smash.


How do I know what gin tastes the best?
This is also a matter of taste. But: Our STIN has – among other things – won best gin at the “Whisky & Spirits Competition 2019“ in Japan and in 2018 also at the “World Spirit Awards“! Our next goal? Be named the best gin in Austria and Styria, obviously. Life is too short for bad longdrinks, right?


One more question:
Is it true, that gin helps you deal with hay fever?
There is a British study from 2017 that says: yes! This is why: While beer and wine are full of histamine (causes inflammation, especially amongst allergies), gin acts as a anti-histamine. Gin helps to reduce swelling of mucosas. At least it doesn't make it worse. So, yeah, you'll need a bottle of STIN in every good medicine chest.